Which Car Is Mentioned by Name in the Theme Song of Tv's "All in the Family

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Pastime. Discussion on the theme
Exercise 1.Read the post-obit text. Translate it from English language into Russian. Complete your own story near your pastime. Talk nigh it using the following prompts:
I accept ... (many, several, a few, simply one) hobbies/hobby.
My favourite hobby is ...
I enjoy ...
It is ... (expensive, cheap, free).
I practice information technology. .. (in a company, lonely).
This hobby is done . .. (inside, outside).
I love information technology considering it is . .. (funny, relaxing, intellectual etc).
The best thing about my hobby is that. . . Only I don't like . .
My Pastime
There are many interesting and exciting things to do when you are spending your complimentary fourth dimension. Each person has his interests and hobbies such as reading books, watching TV, collecting something, visiting museums and other places of interest, skiing, skating, pond, fishing, going in for sports and many others. I remember that if someone hasn�t any hobby he might be a ho-hum and uninteresting person.
I am fond of watching TV and reading books. I also like collecting stamps and coins, skiing, skating and swimming. In summer I like walking in the wood because I relax there. And now I want to tell almost my hobby. It is watching Idiot box. When I take spare time I always switch on my Goggle box and watch my favourite programs. They are films and variety shows. When I spotter TV I balance from my home duties and my lessons. Some people say that Telly is doing a lot of harm but I don�t intendance and watching Television set remains my favourite occupation.
I am also addicted of reading books. My favourite books are adventures and horror stories. When I read a volume I live the characters� life, suffer and relish with them. The most exciting books I read several times. And every time I read such a book it is like for the first time.
There are other things I am fond of doing. I like collecting stamps and coins so my friends and my parents bring me many of them from other countries. In wintertime I skate and ski. I prefer skating to skiing. In summer I like swimming, and when we are in the country I spend all my day in the water together with my canis familiaris.
It�s a pity that we have lots of homework every day. And only on Saturdays and Sundays nosotros tin can spend our pastime similar we want it to. I wish that our holidays in every flavor lasted longer.
Do ii. Read the text. Brand a listing of all the people'due south activities mentioned in the text.
Alexander thinks that he has likewise many hobbies and too little fourth dimension. He wants to share his business organisation with his friend Peter from Poland. As Peter is coming to Moscow only in two months� time, Alexander decides to write him. But before writing an email, he puts his ideas in his diary:
�Nowadays it'south difficult to name all the activities, entertainments and hobbies skillful by people in their free time. A growing number of people prefer watching films, performances, sporting events on Tv to attending them, re exist quite different sorts of leisure activities which give thousands people a sense of excitement and expectation. There are various pursuits people choose to laissez passer their free time. Today people spend hours watching different informative, educational or environment programs. Other popular occupations are surfing the Net, playing computer games, listening to the radio, reading books (often ebooks!), painting so on. Many people prefer to get in for different kinds of sports and pb an agile way of life. Sometimes they participate in competitions or contests and take a very good pastime. There are people that prefer a calm way of spending their free time. They are fond of walks in parks or gardens. More than serious people prefer to visit museums, fine art galleries or theatres.
Aerobics and shopping are two of the most popular pursuits for women. Cooking is likewise a very widespread activity amongst them. But nothing can be compared to your favourite hobby. A hobby is a special interest or activity that you exercise in your free time. Some people have animals equally hobbies. They keep rabbits, or go fishing, rain dogs to do tricks. Some are crazy near plants. They attempt to abound cacti or tropical flowers in their kitchens and sitting rooms. Others are mad most their cars motorbikes. They spend their Saturdays and Sundays washing them, painting them or ownership new parts to make them go fifty-fifty faster. Many people make things as a hobby ...�
Exercise three. Are these statements true or simulated? Correct the simulated ones.
1. Alexander writes in his diary a list of all activities, entertainments and hobbies adept by people in their gratis time.
2. Alexander has no hobby and wants to select i.
3. He meets with his friend to talk over this trouble.
iv. Hobbies give people a sense of excitement and expectation.
5. Today people spend a lot of time watching dissimilar informative, educational, surroundings programs.
6. Women prefer aerobics, shopping and cooking.
seven. A hobby is an active pastime like sports or grooming dogs.
viii. In order to relax about people prefer a at-home way of spending their free time.
nine. Animals can too be a hobby.
10. People prefer ready-made things to hand-fabricated ones.
Practise iv. Find in the text English equivalents for these words and word combinations:
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Do 5.Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and phrases from the box:
cleans the rooms, fond of chatting, feel at ease, considerate and helpful, have my duties about the house, to be tidy, a professional person look, later on supports, do a lot of work about the firm, to become shopping, intelligent, united, East or Due west, habitation is best, our free time
one. Welcome to my house! �!
2. My sister is � over the phone.
three. Our relatives are�
4. My mother is very�, she is � if brain of our family. Our parents arrange�
five. My friend � me in everything I practice.
6. In my family the elder children �the younger ones.
7. All members of our family � , and so we are always very busy.
8. My favourite pastime is �
nine. Anna seldom � on Sundays.
x. We like our firm �
xi. Our higher grouping is�
Lesson 12.
Lexical role. Hobby.
Exercise ane. Read the text, try to focus on its essential facts, and choose the nigh suitable heading below for each paragraph.
one) Collecting 2) Sports and Games 3) Hobbies and Hobbyists four) Handicrafts v) Arts
Different kinds of hobbies
Hobby can exist any type of activity, which people do during their leisure time. Most people choose a hobby for relaxation, pleasure, or for development of new interests. People of almost any age can enjoy hobbies. A hobby offers a way to relax after periods of difficult work. Nigh any kind of leisure activity can become a hobby. Nigh hobbies are divided into 4 general categories, which may overlap. They are the arts, collecting, handicrafts, games and sports.
At that place are such fine art forms, as dancing, drama, painting, graphic arts, and music. Each fine art form has many possibilities for a hobby. For example, music may include singing, playing an instrument, collecting records and tapes, learning ballet, or attending concerts or operas. Painting offers the hobbyist a wide choice of materials, such as oil paints or watercolors.
Collecting is probably the most widespread kind of hobby, because almost annihilation can be collected. Stamps and coins are the about popular items. Hobby is besides collecting such things as autographs, books, dolls, buttons, etc.
Handicrafts attract hobbyists who can work skillfully with their easily. Many of them are engaged in needlework activities, crocheting, knitting, and sewing. Some use kits to make model aero planes, boats, and trains. Other handicrafts include ceramics, metalworking, jewelry making, etc.
Games and sports are pop with many hobbyists who relish competition, concrete activity, and exercise. Thousands of hobbyists take function in sports, such every bit bowling, fishing, mountain climbing, skiing, and tennis. Popular indoor games include card games, chess. Nowadays, electronics-related hobbies are becoming increasingly popular. Many people, particularly children, play computer games.
Do two. a) Find in the text the words which accept the like meanings as the following words:
Kind, free fourth dimension, to advise, hard, much, to comprise, to visit, perhaps, an item, a ship, mental, to be fond of, the base, several, old, to focus, bully, various, dainty, a lot of.
b) Find in the text the words which take the opposite meanings to the following words:
Erstwhile, easy, narrow, outdoor games, modernistic, small, bigger, impossible, usually, immature, petty.
�) Read, translate the sentences, change the words in italics into the words with similar and opposite meanings.
i. He has just bought an old book. two. She has performed an piece of cake chore. iii. This volume collection is very small. 4. He has presented a collection of ancient books to the university. v. They spend a lot of time in the state.
Practice 3. Fill in the gaps with the missing words in the following sentences, the first alphabetic character of each give-and-take has been given to help yous.
1) Almost people choose a hobby for p... . ii) People of a... any age tin can bask hobbies. 3) Near any kind of 1... activity tin can become a hobby. iv) Hobbies of different categories may o... each other. 5) Hobbyists have many p... in each art grade. 6) The about w... kind of hobby is collecting. 7) Some hobbyists can work s... with their hands. 8) Some people are engaged in n... activities. 9) Hobbyist may use chiliad... to make model aero planes. x) J... making is a kind of handicrafts.
Exercise 4. Read and give a summary of the text.
Different types of book collections
Book collecting is a popular hobby. Many people collect books because they enjoy reading and like to collect things. Private book collections take formed the nucleus of some of the world�s most important libraries. Some people have also presented their collections to universities, where the books may be used for study and inquiry. At that place are many types of book collections, such equally writer collections, subject collections, title collections, unique or ancient book collections.
Author collections concentrate on the works of a single author. Book collectors especially value editions with the autograph of the author.
Subject collections include books on a particular subject area, such as science fiction, or books about sports or sportsmen. Some discipline collections are vast with thousands of volumes, but most are much smaller.
Title collections consist of as many as possible editions of a unmarried title. The editions, which are translated into different languages, are likewise included.
Unique or ancient volume collections focus on books that are unusually beautiful, rare, very old, or of an unusual shape and size. These collections may contain books with unique illustrations, with rare printing styles.
Collectors find books for their collections in rare-book shops, antiquarian bookshops, secondhand bookshops, and at jumble-sales.
Exercise five. Quote the sentences in which these words and give-and-take combinations are used in the texts:
Any type of activity, are divided into, may overlap, such art forms as, a wide selection of materials, water colors, the most widespread, can be collected, the most pop items, attract a hobbyist, can work skillfully, are engaged in needlework activity, some use kits, take part in sports, electronics-related hobbies, take formed the nucleus, the earth�s most important libraries, a single author, on a particular subject area, as many every bit possible editions, of an unusual shape, at jumble-sales.
Do half dozen.Read and translate the text from English into Russian.
My Hobby
My hobby is collecting stamps. When I was nonetheless a baby, my mother began collecting for me.
Of course she didn�t permit me touch the stamps until I was old plenty. I remember that it was on my fifteenth birthday that she first put them into my hands. They were in v albums, but since then I take added three more, so that now I have a bigger collection than whatsoever of my friends.
How do I get my stamps? I have never bought a single one from a store. My male parent, who works in a large office, sometimes brings me stamps from unlike parts of the world. And I have friends both here and in other countries who send me stamps in render for the ones I send to them.
At present that I am finishing schoolhouse (I am in the 11th course), I don�t accept every bit much fourth dimension as earlier to spend on my stamps. Merely in the evening what tin be meliorate than to sit down at a table with my albums arranging the new stamps in them, writing in the names of the countries, or, if I am too tired, only looking through the stamps already in the albums.
Each stamp has a story to tell of distant countries and strange people. I come across pictures of men and women, birds and animals that I myself have never seen. Kings and presidents pass earlier my eyes, and I can follow the history of whole nations.
But my stamp collection doesn�t merely make me think of the by. Merely as my female parent nerveless for me, and so I, too, am collecting for my younger brother. What better mode volition there be of making him interested in history, geography and languages, and of making these subjects live for him? If I tin can pass my hobby on to him, he will be grateful to me for it, as I am grateful to my female parent.
Exercise 7. a) Read and translate the text into Russian, land the function of the verbs be and take.
Hobby is a kind of action. Hobbies are chosen by most people for relaxation. When a person has chosen a hobby his life becomes more interesting. There are different kinds of hobbies, and they are divided into four categories: the arts, collecting, handicrafts, games and sports. Each art form has many possibilities for a hobby.
b) Make full in the blanks with the proper auxiliary verb.
1. She ... attending courses for studying the English language. 2. He ... merely made a model aero plane. 3. They ... singing songs now. 4. She ... playing the pianoforte all the evening yesterday. 5. He ... presented his collection to the museum. six. My friend ... bought this rare book at the jumble-sale. 7. The unique collection of ancient books ... presented to him by his male parent. 8. The books ... found past the collectors in rare-volume shops. nine. Books on a detail discipline ... included in subject area collections. 10. Some books ... translated into different languages.

Source: https://allrefrs.ru/4-27318.html
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