She Said I Was So Funny

When a girl tells a guy that "you are so sweet" is this bad?


If a girl tells a guy that "you are so sweet," does that pretty much mean that there is no interest, or that that one is just in the friend zone, aka "I really don't want to date you" ?

When a girl tells a guy that "you are so sweet" is this bad?

Most Helpful Girls

  • redheadbabygirl

    Not to pop your bubble here, but "you're so sweet" when I say it almost ALWAYS is addressed to a guy who likes me, but I ONLY like him as a friend…and sometimes not even that. Not that he isn't sweet! But overly sugary gets on my nerves.

    I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I've used that line as a response to an "I love you" from guys I didn't like before :X it basically means "You're a nice guy, but not my type…and I definitely don't want to say 'I love you' back!" Or even if he just complimented me, and I couldn't think of anything else to say! I also use the word "sweet" as the only compliment I can think of for a guy who isn't very masculine…sad, but sometimes that's the only good quality they have.

    Ok I would like to qualify all this depressing stuff I just wrote by saying that it really depends on HOW they say it. If it's a kind of half-hearted…."ummm…….you're so sweet.*looks in the other direction in a bored way*" then you're probably out of luck. However, if she sounds genuine and that's not the ONLY thing she says she likes about you, then just take it at face value and enjoy it!

    Best of luck


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    • Anonymous

      It was a genuine thing with her, I gave her flowers, and she said, "awww, you're so sweet. Text me tonight honey." We really haven't been on a formal date, it was more of like a first get together. Its been more of like the tango anyways, it seems like we back off, then get close, than back off (:-?)

    • redheadbabygirl

      Ok well that would be a GOOD kind of sweet! lol :D

  • sammyangel9991

    most of the time girls just say you are so sweet to be nice. there are exceptions but most of the time it just means the girl wants to be nice.

Most Helpful Guys

  • tex151

    Normally I wouldn't want a girl to say that to me just because that associates you with being a nice guy, if a girl says that to me she usually says it in a sarcastic voice probably because I made fun of her or something and then I say well babe you know I try and she goes be nice. I did make the mistake of actually being sweet to a girl once and yeah it backfired she said something like oh your so sweet I wish all guys were like you, so me I thought oh yeah she likes me nope she didn't like me not as a boyfriend anyway. So I learned from that mistake and never did that again. But who knows maybe she likes sweet guys I guess only time will tell, but most of them don't not as bfs, but as friends they do.

  • WeaponZero

    In my experience when girls compliment how sweet you are it's usually the kiss of death. Usually it's followed up with "I wish my boyfriend were more like you!" Yeah, right.

    Like Disagree 13 People

    • Simple-Simonette

      I guess it depends on her tone of voice - but I have to agree with this.

    • WeaponZero

      In my experience, when a girl says "I wish my boyfriend were more like you" it means you've got no hope. Because its one of the most illogical things she could possibly say. Because what it sounds like is "youre better than my boyfriend. but I'd still rather be with him. move along."

    • redheadbabygirl

      Wowwwwww....that is SO well said and I totally agree!! If I really wanted a boyfriend like the guy I said that to, then he would BE my boyfriend LOL.

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  • freakyzeaky

    I would think it depends on the woman. Not all women want ultra masculine men oozing with machismo. Some women prefer gentlemen who do sweet things for them. If you are afraid that she is treating you like a sappy nice guy, then you have already lost my dude. You shouldn't care too much about it. As soon as you worry, the insecurity that comes from it is far more unattractive than being a thoughtful romantic. There is a balance you should try to strike between being sweet and caring, and assertive and bold. Your needs matter too. If you shower her with gifts like you are putting her on a pedestal, then yes, you will probably just be treated like a good friend like others have suggested.

    Of all you did was get her a gift or two and she told you that you are so sweet, I wouldn't read too far into it. What is she supposed to say when you give her flowers?

  • spartan55

    In my experience that's exactly how it goes. I would rather be called an a hole.

  • Anonymous

    Well being in a friend doesn't mean move on all the time.. I figure you gotta start there... I am sure in a lot of marriages they are best friendm.. As advice don't expect anything from her that way if something does happen you will be blessed and surprised.. Women like to surprise just as much as any other guy.

  • Lilmissz

    it really depends on when she says it. if is her reply to every compliment you give, then yeah she's probably not interested. But if she compliments you back every now and then.then there's still hope bud.

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  • Anonymous

    I only say it to guys when I really appreciate something they've done for me, normally a date or boyfriend.

  • methatsme

    Well I guess I'm not much of a flirt so I only give compliments like that when I really mean it and like someone so I would take it as a good thing!

    Like 2 People

  • Anonymous

    I Said that to a guy recently that I like so I Think its a Good sign

  • Temporal

    No, I say that to my boyfriend all the time, I say that to random guys who say something sweet. Don't read into it either way. Take it at face value

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  • BusyGirl727

    Not really, when I tell a guy that he is sweet, I'm really saying that I appreciate what he has done for me and he is a good guy to keep around.

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  • Blueeyes81

    It's generally not good. Here are a few more phrases that are a kiss of death from a love interest.

    -I adore you.
    -I appreciate you
    -You're too kind.
    -Why can't I meet a guy like you?

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    • The_Dean

      When she says "buddy", you're pretty much fucked. No going back.

  • Anonymous

    Yes it's very bad not good at all. It's almost the equivalent of you're such a nice guy I wish my be was more like you. That's when you feel like punching them in the face but don't because you don't need a damn assault charge on your ass

  • featherinthehorizen

    It means that she thinks what u did made an impression , but doesn't mean that she has interest or not.

  • Anonymous

    you'll never know unless you ask or tell her how you feel. I told my crush how she feels and she told me

  • jiaoz

    It means you're in the Friend Zone and it's time to move on.

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  • AJtogo

    Total friend zone. You're nice to be around but I don't want to date you.

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  • Unit1

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  • BloodMerchant

    I've had a girl tell me that once and I was pretty much in the friend zone with her.

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  • Anonymous

    it means she can't reciprocate a love interest but she will be just as sweet to you as you were to her.

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  • Anonymous

    That's a good thing! (At least when I say it.) It means that I think you're a great guy and very respectable. It's a compliment!

    Like Disagree 4 People

    • chocolate-lover

      Yes, it might mean so,

      but not always I think!!

  • Philyouup

    Hell no.. It means you thinks your sweet, and what better than a sweet girlfriend? ( A sweet girl that can get spicy! )

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